An object relational mapper for Node.js.

Written by Hunter Perrin for SciActive.


Hunter Perrin [email protected]


SciActive Inc




Entity: typeof Entity

The entity class for this instance of Nymph.

afterCommitTransactionCallbacks: NymphAfterCommitTransactionCallback[] = []
afterDeleteEntityByIDCallbacks: NymphAfterDeleteEntityByIDCallback[] = []
afterDeleteEntityCallbacks: NymphAfterDeleteEntityCallback[] = []
afterDeleteUIDCallbacks: NymphAfterDeleteUIDCallback[] = []
afterNewUIDCallbacks: NymphAfterNewUIDCallback[] = []
afterRenameUIDCallbacks: NymphAfterRenameUIDCallback[] = []
afterRollbackTransactionCallbacks: NymphAfterRollbackTransactionCallback[] = []
afterSaveEntityCallbacks: NymphAfterSaveEntityCallback[] = []
afterSetUIDCallbacks: NymphAfterSetUIDCallback[] = []
afterStartTransactionCallbacks: NymphAfterStartTransactionCallback[] = []
beforeCommitTransactionCallbacks: NymphBeforeCommitTransactionCallback[] = []
beforeDeleteEntityByIDCallbacks: NymphBeforeDeleteEntityByIDCallback[] = []
beforeDeleteEntityCallbacks: NymphBeforeDeleteEntityCallback[] = []
beforeDeleteUIDCallbacks: NymphBeforeDeleteUIDCallback[] = []
beforeGetEntitiesCallbacks: NymphBeforeGetEntitiesCallback[] = []
beforeGetEntityCallbacks: NymphBeforeGetEntityCallback[] = []
beforeNewUIDCallbacks: NymphBeforeNewUIDCallback[] = []
beforeRenameUIDCallbacks: NymphBeforeRenameUIDCallback[] = []
beforeRollbackTransactionCallbacks: NymphBeforeRollbackTransactionCallback[] = []
beforeSaveEntityCallbacks: NymphBeforeSaveEntityCallback[] = []
beforeSetUIDCallbacks: NymphBeforeSetUIDCallback[] = []
beforeStartTransactionCallbacks: NymphBeforeStartTransactionCallback[] = []
config: Config

The Nymph config.

connectCallbacks: NymphConnectCallback[] = []
disconnectCallbacks: NymphDisconnectCallback[] = []
driver: NymphDriver

The Nymph database driver.

entityClasses: {
    [k: string]: EntityConstructor;
} = {}

A simple map of names to Entity classes.

Type declaration

failedDeleteEntityByIDCallbacks: NymphFailedDeleteEntityByIDCallback[] = []
failedDeleteEntityCallbacks: NymphFailedDeleteEntityCallback[] = []
failedDeleteUIDCallbacks: NymphFailedDeleteUIDCallback[] = []
failedNewUIDCallbacks: NymphFailedNewUIDCallback[] = []
failedRenameUIDCallbacks: NymphFailedRenameUIDCallback[] = []
failedSaveEntityCallbacks: NymphFailedSaveEntityCallback[] = []
failedSetUIDCallbacks: NymphFailedSetUIDCallback[] = []
parent: null | Nymph

The Nymph instance that this one was cloned from, or null if it's not a clone.

queryCallbacks: NymphQueryCallback[] = []
tilmeld?: TilmeldInterface = undefined

An optional Tilmeld user/group manager instance.


  • Add your class to this instance.

    This will create a class that extends your class within this instance of Nymph and return it. You can then use this class's constructor and methods, which will use this instance of Nymph.

    Because this creates a subclass, don't use the class returned from getEntityClass to check with instanceof.

    Type Parameters


    • EntityClass: T

    Returns T

  • Commit the named transaction.

    After this is called, the transaction instance should be discarded.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Connect to the database.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Whether the instance is connected to the database.

  • Delete an entity from the database by its GUID.


    • guid: string

      The entity's GUID.

    • Optional className: string

      The entity's class name.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Delete a unique ID.


    • name: string

      The UID's name.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Disconnect from the database.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Whether the instance is connected to the database.

  • Export entities to a local file.

    This is the file format:

    # The above line must be the first thing in the file.
    # Comments begin with #
    # And can have white space before them.
    # This defines a UID.
    <another uid>[8000]
    # For UIDs, the name is in angle brackets (<>) and the value follows
    # in square brackets ([]).
    # This starts a new entity.
    # For entities, the GUID is in curly brackets ({}), then the etype in
    # angle brackets, then the comma separated tag list follows in square
    # brackets ([]).
    # Properties are stored like this:
    # propname=JSON.stringify(value)
    # White space before/after "=" and at beginning/end of line is ignored.
    username = "admin"
    another="This is another entity."


    • filename: string

      The file to export to.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Export entities to the console.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Get an array of entities.

    options is an object, which contains any of the following settings:

    • class - The class to create each entity with.
    • limit - The limit of entities to be returned.
    • offset - The offset from the oldest matching entity to start retrieving.
    • reverse - If true, entities will be retrieved from newest to oldest. Therefore, offset will be from the newest entity.
    • sort - How to sort the entities. Accepts "cdate", "mdate", or the name of a top-level property. The method of sorting properties other than cdate and mdate is driver dependent. The only hard rule is that numbers should be sorted numerically (2 before 10). Defaults to "cdate".
    • return - What to return. "entity", "guid", or "count". Defaults to "entity".
    • source - Will be 'client' if the query came from a REST call.
    • skipCache - If true, Nymph will skip the cache and retrieve the entity from the DB.
    • skipAc - If true, Tilmeld will not filter returned entities according to access controls. (If Tilmeld is installed.) (This is always set to false by the REST server.)

    If a class is specified, it must have a factory() static method that returns a new instance.

    Selectors are objects. Any amount of selectors can be provided. Empty selectors will be ignored. The type property of a selector is required and can be one of the following strings:

    • & - (and) All values in the selector must be true.
    • | - (or) At least one value in the selector must be true.
    • !& - (not and) All values in the selector must be false.
    • !| - (not or) At least one value in the selector must be false.

    The rest of the properties in the selectors are called selector clauses, which can be any of the following (in the form = value, or = [value1, value2,...]):

    • guid - A GUID. True if the entity's GUID is equal.
    • tag - A tag. True if the entity has the tag.
    • defined - A name. True if the named property exists.
    • truthy - A name. True if the named property is defined and truthy.
    • equal - An array with a name, then value. True if the named property is defined and equal (their JSON strings are identical).
    • contain - An array with a name, then value. True if the named property contains the value (its JSON string is found within the property's JSON string).
    • match - An array with a name, then regular expression. True if the named property matches. Uses POSIX RegExp. Case sensitive. Must not be surrounded by any delimiters.
    • imatch - An array with a name, then regular expression. True if the named property matches. Uses POSIX RegExp. Case insensitive. Must not be surrounded by any delimiters.
    • like - An array with a name, then pattern. True if the named property matches. Uses % for variable length wildcard and _ for single character wildcard. Case sensitive.
    • ilike - An array with a name, then pattern. True if the named property matches. Uses % for variable length wildcard and _ for single character wildcard. Case insensitive.
    • gt - An array with a name, then value. True if the named property is greater than the value.
    • gte - An array with a name, then value. True if the named property is greater than or equal to the value.
    • lt - An array with a name, then value. True if the named property is less than the value.
    • lte - An array with a name, then value. True if the named property is less than or equal to the value.
    • ref - An array with a name, then either an entity, or a GUID. True if the named property is the entity or contains the entity.
    • qref - An array with a name, then a full query (including options) in an array. True if the named property is an entity that matches the query or contains an entity that matches the query.
    • selector - A selector. (Keep in mind, you can also use an array of these, just like any other clause.)

    These clauses can all be negated, by prefixing them with an exclamation point, such as "!truthy" to mean falsy (or undefined).

    Any clause that accepts an array of name and value can also accept a third element. If value is null and the third element is a string, the third element will be used with Locutus' strtotime function to set value to a relative timestamp. For example, the following selector will look for all entities that were created in the last day:

    type: '&',
    gte: ['cdate', null, '-1 day']

    Locutus' implementation: PHP's documentation:

    This example will retrieve the last two entities where:

    • It has 'person' tag.
    • spouse is defined.
    • gender is male and lname is Smith.
    • warnings is not an integer 0.
    • It has 'level1' and 'level2' tags, or it has 'access1' and 'access2' tags.
    • It has either 'employee' or 'manager' tag.
    • name is either Clark, James, Chris, Christopher, Jake, or Jacob.
    • If age is 22 or more, then pay is not greater than 8.
    const entities = Nymph.getEntities(
    { class: Entity, reverse: true, limit: 2 },
    type: '&', // all must be true
    tag: 'person',
    defined: 'spouse',
    equal: [
    ['gender', 'male'],
    ['lname', 'Smith']
    '!equal': ['warnings', 0]
    type: '|', // at least one of the selectors in this must match
    selector: [
    type: '&',
    tag: ['level1', 'level2']
    type: '&',
    tag: ['access1', 'access2']
    type: '|', // at least one must be true
    tag: ['employee', 'manager']
    type: '|',
    equal: [
    ['name', 'Clark'],
    ['name', 'James']
    match: [
    ['name', 'Chris(topher)?'],
    ['name', 'Ja(ke|cob)']
    type: '!|', // at least one must be false
    gte: ['age', 22],
    gt: ['pay', 8]

    Type Parameters


    • options: Options<T> & {
          return: "count";

      The options.

    • Rest ...selectors: Selector[]

      Unlimited optional selectors to search for. If none are given, all entities are retrieved for the given options.

    Returns Promise<number>

    An array of entities or guids, or a count.


    Use an asterisk to specify any variable.

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Type Parameters


    Returns Promise<EntityInstanceType<T>[]>

  • Get the class that uses the specified etype.

    Note that it is fine, though unusual, for two classes to use the same etype. However, this can lead to very hard to diagnose bugs, so is generally discouraged.


    • etype: string

    Returns EntityConstructor

  • Get the current value of a unique ID.


    • name: string

      The UID's name.

    Returns Promise<null | number>

    The UID's value, or null on failure and if it doesn't exist.

  • Import entities from a file.


    • filename: string

      The file to import from.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Check if there is any open transaction.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True if there is a transaction.

  • Detect whether the database needs to be migrated.

    If true, the database should be exported with an old version of Nymph, then imported into a fresh database with this version.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Increment or create a unique ID and return the new value.

    Unique IDs, or UIDs are similar to GUIDs, but numeric and sequential.

    A UID can be used to identify an object when the GUID doesn't suffice. On a system where a new entity is created many times per second, referring to something by its GUID may be unintuitive. However, the component designer is responsible for assigning UIDs to the component's entities. Beware that if a UID is incremented for an entity, and the entity cannot be saved, there is no safe, and therefore, no recommended way to decrement the UID back to its previous value.

    If newUID() is passed the name of a UID which does not exist yet, one will be created with that name, and assigned the value 1. If the UID already exists, its value will be incremented. The new value will be returned.


    • name: string

      The UID's name.

    Returns Promise<null | number>

    The UID's new value, or null on failure.

  • Type Parameters


    • event: T
    • callback: T extends "connect"
          ? NymphConnectCallback
          : T extends "disconnect"
              ? NymphDisconnectCallback
              : T extends "query"
                  ? NymphQueryCallback
                  : T extends "beforeGetEntity"
                      ? NymphBeforeGetEntityCallback
                      : T extends "beforeGetEntities"
                          ? NymphBeforeGetEntitiesCallback
                          : T extends "beforeSaveEntity"
                              ? NymphBeforeSaveEntityCallback
                              : T extends "afterSaveEntity"
                                  ? NymphAfterSaveEntityCallback
                                  : T extends "failedSaveEntity"
                                      ? NymphFailedSaveEntityCallback
                                      : T extends "beforeDeleteEntity"
                                          ? NymphBeforeDeleteEntityCallback
                                          : T extends "afterDeleteEntity"
                                              ? NymphAfterDeleteEntityCallback
                                              : (...) extends (...)
                                                  ? (...)
                                                  : (...)

    Returns boolean

  • Type Parameters


    • event: T
    • callback: T extends "connect"
          ? NymphConnectCallback
          : T extends "disconnect"
              ? NymphDisconnectCallback
              : T extends "query"
                  ? NymphQueryCallback
                  : T extends "beforeGetEntity"
                      ? NymphBeforeGetEntityCallback
                      : T extends "beforeGetEntities"
                          ? NymphBeforeGetEntitiesCallback
                          : T extends "beforeSaveEntity"
                              ? NymphBeforeSaveEntityCallback
                              : T extends "afterSaveEntity"
                                  ? NymphAfterSaveEntityCallback
                                  : T extends "failedSaveEntity"
                                      ? NymphFailedSaveEntityCallback
                                      : T extends "beforeDeleteEntity"
                                          ? NymphBeforeDeleteEntityCallback
                                          : T extends "afterDeleteEntity"
                                              ? NymphAfterDeleteEntityCallback
                                              : (...) extends (...)
                                                  ? (...)
                                                  : (...)

    Returns (() => boolean)

      • (): boolean
      • Returns boolean

  • Rename a unique ID.


    • oldName: string

      The old name.

    • newName: string

      The new name.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Rollback the named transaction.

    After this is called, the transaction instance should be discarded.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Save an entity to the database.

    If the entity has never been saved (has no GUID), a variable "cdate" is set on it with the current Unix timestamp.

    The variable "mdate" is set to the current Unix timestamp.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Set the value of a UID.


    • name: string

      The UID's name.

    • value: number

      The value.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Start an atomic transaction and returns a new instance of Nymph.

    All proceeding changes using this new instance will wait to be written to the database's permanent storage until commit() is called. You can also undo all the changes since this function ran with rollback().

    Transactions will nest as long as every name is unique. Internally, Nymph uses names prefixed with "nymph-".


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<Nymph>

    A new instance of Nymph that should be used for the transaction.