PubSub Server
The PubSub server provides a WebSocket server that allows Nymph to publish changes and the Nymph Client to subscribe to those changes. You can subscribe to individual entities, entity queries, or UIDs.
npm install --save @nymphjs/pubsub
Any Nymph instance will only publish changes if you initialize PubSub publisher before Nymph is used! This step is absolutely required to have a working PubSub system.
import SQLite3Driver from '@nymphjs/driver-sqlite3';
import { Nymph } from '@nymphjs/nymph';
import { PubSub } from '@nymphjs/pubsub';
const pubSubConfig = {
entries: ['ws://yourpubsubserver.tld:8080/'], // This should be set to your PubSub server URL(s).
const nymph = new Nymph(
new SQLite3Driver({
filename: ':memory:', // Put the correct driver/config here.
PubSub.initPublisher(pubSubConfig, nymph);
Now, on your PubSub server, you can use the createServer function to create a new PubSub server using HTTP (without TLS). If you want, this can be done on the same server you use as a REST server, with a different port.
import SQLite3Driver from '@nymphjs/driver-sqlite3';
import { Nymph } from '@nymphjs/nymph';
import createServer, { PubSub } from '@nymphjs/pubsub';
const pubSubConfig = {
originIsAllowed: (origin) => {
// Your logic to determine allowed origins goes here.
return true;
entries: ['ws://yourpubsubserver.tld:8080/'],
const nymph = new Nymph(
new SQLite3Driver({
filename: ':memory:', // Put the correct driver/config here.
// Don't forget to do this; even here!
PubSub.initPublisher(pubSubConfig, nymph);
const pubsub = createServer(8080, pubSubConfig, nymph);
If you need to provide custom handling in your server (like TLS), you can use the PubSub class directly and provide it a WebSocket server instance.
import http from 'node:http';
import ws from 'websocket';
import SQLite3Driver from '@nymphjs/driver-sqlite3';
import { Nymph } from '@nymphjs/nymph';
import { PubSub } from '@nymphjs/pubsub';
const pubSubConfig = {
originIsAllowed: (origin) => {
// Your logic to determine allowed origins goes here.
return true;
entries: ['ws://yourpubsubserver.tld:8080/'],
// Set up Nymph.
const nymph = new Nymph(
new SQLite3Driver({
filename: ':memory:', // Put the correct driver/config here.
// Don't forget to do this; even here!
PubSub.initPublisher(pubSubConfig, nymph);
// Set up the PubSub server.
const port = 8080;
const server = http.createServer((_request, response) => {
const listener = server.listen(port, () => {
new Date().toISOString(),
`Nymph-PubSub server started listening on port ${port}.`,
const wsServer = new ws.server({
httpServer: listener,
// You should not use autoAcceptConnections for production
// applications, as it defeats all standard cross-origin protection
// facilities built into the protocol and the browser. You should
// *always* verify the connection's origin and decide whether or not
// to accept it.
autoAcceptConnections: false,
const pubsub = new PubSub(pubSubConfig, nymph, wsServer);
See the config declaration file.