A user and group system for Nymph.js.

Written by Hunter Perrin for SciActive.


Hunter Perrin [email protected]


SciActive Inc






Group: typeof Group = Group

The group class for this instance of Tilmeld.

User: typeof User = User

The user class for this instance of Tilmeld.

alreadyLoggedOutSwitch: boolean = false

Used to avoid infinite loop.

config: Config

The Tilmeld config.

currentUser: null | User & UserData = null

The currently logged in user.

gatekeeperCache: null | {
    [k: string]: true;
} = null

Gatekeeper ability cache.

Gatekeeper will cache the user's abilities that it calculates, so it can check faster if that user has been checked before.

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: true
nymph: Nymph = ...

The Nymph instance.

request: null | Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>> = null

If you will be performing authentication functions (logging in/out), you should set these so Tilmeld can read and write cookies and headers.

If you want the user to be authenticated with the cookie and/or header they provide, you should set at least the request. It's better to set both, so the JWT can be updated if needed.

After you set these, call authenticate() to read user authentication data from them and fill the user's session.

If you want to support cookie based authentication (which still requires an XSRF token for security), you should enable the cookie parser middleware.

response: null | Response<any, Record<string, any>> = null


  • Check for TILMELDAUTH and TILMELDSWITCH tokens, and, if set, authenticate from it/them.

    You can also call this function after setting response.locals.user to the user you want to authenticate. You should check for user.enabled before setting this variable, unless you explicitly want to log in as a disabled user. (The user must be an instance of the User class for this Tilmeld instance.)

    This function will set response.locals.user to the logged in user on successful authentication.


    • skipXsrfToken: boolean = false

      Skip the XSRF token check.

    • skipRenew: boolean = false

      Skip the token renewal step, even if the token is close to expiration.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True if a user was authenticated, false on any failure.

  • Check a UID's permissions for a user.


    UID functions on the Node.js side are not checked automatically. This function is only run automatically for UID functions run from the client. You should call this function manually if you're running a UID function on the Node.js side and you want it gated.

    This will check the Tilmeld config and the user's abilities.

    • READ_ACCESS, the UID is listed in clientReadableUIDs or the user has the "uid/get/nameofuid" ability.
    • WRITE_ACCESS, the UID is listed in clientEnabledUIDs or the user has the "uid/new/nameofuid" ability.
    • FULL_ACCESS, the UID is listed in clientSetabledUIDs or the user has the "uid/set/nameofuid" ability.


    • name: string

      The UID to check.

    • type: TilmeldAccessLevels = TilmeldAccessLevels.READ_ACCESS

      The lowest level of permission to consider a pass.

    • Optional user: false | User & UserData

      The user to check permissions for. If null, uses the current user. If false, checks for public access.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Whether the current user has at least type permission for the UID.

  • Check an entity's permissions for a user.

    This will check the AC (Access Control) properties of the entity. These include the following properties:

    • acUser
    • acGroup
    • acOther
    • acRead
    • acWrite
    • acFull

    "acUser" refers to the entity's owner, "acGroup" refers to all users in the entity's group and all ancestor groups, and "acOther" refers to any user who doesn't fit these descriptions.

    Each of these properties should be either NO_ACCESS, READ_ACCESS, WRITE_ACCESS, or FULL_ACCESS.

    • NO_ACCESS - the user has no access to the entity.
    • READ_ACCESS, the user has read access to the entity.
    • WRITE_ACCESS, the user has read and write access to the entity, but can't delete it, change its access controls, or change its ownership.
    • FULL_ACCESS, the user has read, write, and delete access to the entity, as well as being able to manage its access controls and ownership.

    These properties default to:

    • acUser = TilmeldAccessLevels.FULL_ACCESS
    • acGroup = TilmeldAccessLevels.READ_ACCESS
    • acOther = TilmeldAccessLevels.NO_ACCESS

    "acRead", "acWrite", and "acFull" are arrays of users and/or groups that also have those permissions.

    Only users with FULL_ACCESS have the ability to change any of the ac*, user, and group properties.

    The following conditions will result in different checks, which determine whether the check passes:

    • It is a user or group. (True for READ_ACCESS or Tilmeld admins.)
    • No user is logged in. (Check other AC.)
    • The entity is the user. (Always true.)
    • It is the user's primary group. (True for READ_ACCESS.)
    • The user or its groups are listed in "acRead". (True for READ_ACCESS.)
    • The user or its groups are listed in "acWrite". (True for READ_ACCESS and WRITE_ACCESS.)
    • The user or its groups are listed in "acFull". (Always true.)
    • Its "user" is the user. (It is owned by the user.) (Check user AC.)
    • Its "group" is the user's primary group. (Check group AC.)
    • Its "group" is one of the user's secondary groups. (Check group AC.)
    • Its "group" is a descendant of one of the user's groups. (Check group AC.)
    • None of the above. (Check other AC.)


    • entity: EntityInterface

      The entity to check.

    • type: TilmeldAccessLevels = TilmeldAccessLevels.READ_ACCESS

      The lowest level of permission to consider a pass.

    • Optional user: false | User & UserData

      The user to check permissions for. If null, uses the current user. If false, checks for public access.

    • Optional acProperties: ACProperties

      The acProperties to use instead of getting them from the entity.

    Returns boolean

    Whether the current user has at least type permission for the entity.

  • Check to see if the current user has an ability.

    If ability is undefined, it will check to see if a user is currently logged in.


    • Optional ability: string

      The ability.

    Returns boolean

    Whether the user has the given ability.

  • Logs the given user into the system.


    • user: User & UserData

      The user.

    • sendAuthHeader: boolean

      Send the auth token as a custom header.

    • sendCookie: boolean = true

      Send the auth token as a cookie.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Adds a switch auth token for the given user.

    This effectively logs the current user in to the system as the given user.


    • user: User & UserData

      The user.

    • sendAuthHeader: boolean

      Send the auth token as a custom header.

    • sendCookie: boolean = true

      Send the auth token as a cookie.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    True on success, false on failure.

  • Logs the current user out of the system.


    • clearCookie: boolean = true

      Clear the auth cookie. (Also send a header.)

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Clears the switch user out of the system.


    • clearCookie: boolean = true

      Clear the auth cookie. (Also send a header.)

    Returns Promise<void>